Josie Starkie

events and individual giving lead

meet josie

josie joined our bigmoose team right at the start of project 1 million where we were aiming to raise £1,000,000 within 18 months. josie has a background in project management, events and is someone who just gets it done and we felt she would be a huge asset to our campaign.

josie had recently had her daughter isla and wasn’t back in full time work yet so she joined us for a few hours on a friday, then she did a full day, then this grew and grew until she came on full time towards the end of 2022. josie is tenacious, determined and never scared of a big challenge.

jos has helped us to achieve project 1 million, she took part in tenyfan, she headed up our inaugural ultra fun run and her loyalty and commitment to our cause knows no bounds.

josie has also been through our therapy services and was super brave and told her story a few years ago. if you have a spare 5 mins we would highly recommend watching how the therapy impacted jos and if you know anyone who needs us then please reach out.

"after josie and ben became pregnant in 2020 during lockdown, they were preparing for the next stage of their lives"