run to save and change lives

Join the Bigmoose Ultra Fun Run and be part of something extraordinary!

  • Run, jog, or walk – everyone’s welcome!
  • Help us raise awareness for mental health and save lives.
  • Be part of an incredible community movement.

Sign up now and let’s change lives together – one step at a time.

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project 15 million

in january 2022, we started our mission to raise £1,000,000. and now, just 15 months later, we have reached that goal! only 1750 days after signing on the dotted line and becoming an official charity.

and now, for a new challenge. £15 million.

we would like to thank every individual who has helped us along this journey, whether that is through fundraising, donating, or just simply sharing our story.

we would also like to thank the incredibly kind foundation that helped push us over the £1,000,000 threshold.

and now, for a new challenge..

£15 million. the number 15 has always been special to jeff and chloe and their family.

from jeff’s ice hockey days playing as number 15, to chloe being born on the 15th of october, to climbing kilimanjaro aged 15 and getting the keys to bigmoose coffee co on the 15th of november. the number 15 has always been special.

so now it’s time to share that and see if we can raise £15 million.

are you in?


the idea

during lockdown 2020 we were discussing the future of bigmoose and how we wanted to impact the world. during this time we were providing therapy for lots of people and had been told by five people that without our intervention they would have ended their lives.

due to early and impactful intervention 5 people were still alive. 5 families weren’t grieving and the world still had these amazing humans in it. we could not get this thought out of our heads.

unfortunately we were hearing more and more of people struggling and lives being lost. we recognised that people needed help, now more than ever.

make a donation.

help us to save more lives with mental health support.

how could we help more?

we will continue to support people with their mental health by providing timely and effective therapy services to those in need. we have no criteria or wait time to access our services and we reply to every individual within 24 hours. and now that we have reached our goal of £1,000,000 we are able to help even more people.

in 2021, there were 6,319 reports of suicide in the uk alone. the work that we are doing will help to reduce this number. so far, we have had 22 people say that without our support, they would have taken their lives.

our journey has only just begun. we will continue to work tirelessly to leave the world better than we found it and we encourage you to join us on this journey.

meet some of our graduates

listen to some stories from some of our graduates about how therapy and the support from bigmoose changed & saved their lives. this is why we do what we do, we want to help support people when they need it.

graduate stories