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53 marathons in 53 days – wild horse 200 – bigmoose inaugural race announcement

good morning bigmoose blog reader,

how was your week?

really good i hope?

mine has been quite action packed charity wise, with a number of amazing people having meetings about challenges they are looking at doing to support us next year.

one of whom is a young lady, chloe and i only met last year at lewis robling’s first ‘why we run’ event, amy hughes, aka @amyhughes53 on instagram, who we have followed for ten years, since she became the youngest woman to ever run 53 marathons in 53 days, an amazing feat, and in a very short space of time we’ve become good pals, enough for her to be doing her latest adventure in support of bigmoose next year, and it’s gonna be huge.

so we met online last friday to talk about details, and i got goosebumps from the magnitude of her challenge, but it’s happening, remember her name, and give her a follow, she’s awesome.

another meeting was with a mate of mine will fuller, @will_fuller1 who again i have only known since last year.

will is ceo at cardiff met students union, and the goalkeeper for merthyr town football club, and we have bonded as goalies, and have similar views on life, and after a bite of lunch will has number one, committed to fundraising £15,000 for bigmoose next year, as he runs the london marathon, and number two, he has introduced us to his student union team, who this week voted us to become their charity of the year, absolutely amazing, so thanks goalie, we can’t wait to work with you and your team.

(not sure on my positioning of the shop sign in this pic)

also this week, meet bob thomas, aka @bobthomasultra who i met whilst crewing on the pegasus wild horse, 200 mile race, which he completed.

fast forward, and bob, who is crazy btw, is going to do a challenge for bigmoose next year.

this one is barmy.

he is going to run one hundred miles.

in one mile loops.

oh there’s more.

he’s going to lift one million kilos in the same challenge.

so, it goes like this, run a mile loop, stop and lift 10,000kg.

repeat 100 times.

absolutely barking, but man i love this chap’s spirit, and we’ll update you with more details, so you can support him, very cool though.

finally, this week we welcomed louise rogers @sgweege to bigmoose hq, as she became an ambassador for us, after raising over £2000, enough to fund five people through therapy on average, and we have been trialling an idea to earmark, confidentially of course, the five people lou will be funding through therapy, and one has graduated already, which made us all emotional today, so we might roll this out if fundraisers want it.

welcome aboard lou.

so, that was a bit of an update on my week, and as blog readers i’ll give you an exclusive, you heard it here first, we are soon to announce, our first ever “bigmoose ultra fun run” which will be on april 14th 2024, and will consist of a 5k loop of bute park in cardiff, which participants can run a 5k, 10k, half marathon, full marathon, or ten loops for an ultramarathon, you choose.

the plan is to get children involved, people with disabilities, first time runners, and just a wonderful vibe, with music, food, massages, etc, and a mass of orange and white spotty running shirts, which visually will be phenomenal.

our team want 250 runners, i want 1000, so if you fancy joining us drop me a line, entry is only £15 and you get a free spotty tee, sounds great huh?

and if you can’t get to cardiff, arrange your own run in your city or country, we’d love you on the team.

i think you’re now fully updated, thanks for reading, and as always if you need us, reach out, and if if want to get involved in any way, just drop me a line.

blue skies,


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